Thanks to the encouragement of PaPa and Dada, Madalyn is well on her way to walking. A couple of days ago she took a couple of steps, and now its half way across the living room! I am still loving being at home with her and trying to enjoy every second before Baby Leigh comes. Madalyn loves climbing on everything, and received her first black eye by doing it. She had decided to crawl into an empty box and didn't realize that if she leaned on the side she would fall. Well, she fell and hit her face on the chair. My husband says constantly says "just let her fall and she'll learn." Sure enough she learned real quick not to do that again.
The girl loves to be outside but hates to get dirty. I have been taking her to the beach, but she hates getting sandy! She has Girl written all over her. Something that I am not very used to, considering I grew up with an older brother and my nephew is a boy. But, I am loving it! She is beautiful and I cant wait to do lots of girly stuff with her!
Business is going really well this month!! We actually lost a couple jobs because we are booked to far out! My husband is very good at what he does and I knew as soon as word got out, he would become a very busy man. The only problem is, I don't like to share.
By the way, for those of you who know Jamie, I have to tell you that he is the dad that every girl dreams of having.
We might have a name picked out, but I am not telling..... I will give you a hint. It starts with an M. (This way I can call them my M n M's :)
All because two people fell in love
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
It's been a while.....
I must first apologize for my lack of blogging in the last 6 months. I almost decided to all together give it up because I do not do that good of a job at it; but then how would you all know whats going on in the Leigh house, considering Jamie and I both suck at communication. We get to wrapped up in life and forget about the important things: family. So, please forgive us and give us grace as we both try to improve in this area.
Where to start? Here is a recap of our lives in the last 6 months. Madalyn and Jamie had a “Daddy Daughter” birthday party that was super fun. Madalyn got a lot of really nice toys. She didn't really understand the present thing, so we opened and she played. We bought Madalyn a smash cake, which is a little 6 inch round cake just for her, and she didn't really like smashing it to much. (She hates being dirty) But still managed to get it all over the place. I then took her straight to the bath and realized that everywhere the cake had touched her she was broken out in hives. The worst case yet. As seconds went by she began to swell. We quickly gave her benidryl and after throwing up all over daddy she felt better and passed out for the night. Christmas was a lot of fun. I think she was overwhelmed with presents and didn't know what to play with. It was the first time we have had Christmas at our house with my mom and dad. (I think Grandma had the most fun with Madalyn, and it was really cool to sit back and watch) Madalyn got so many gifts over those two holidays that we still haven't taken some out of the box yet. Madalyn just got her 7th and 8th tooth. She goes in for her allergies on the 16th of February. I cant wait! Although now that we know what is causing it, her rash has gotten a lot better. She is still crawling. She doesn't care to much about walking. I try to walk holding her hands and she would much rather crawl. (very independent) She does “cruise” meaning walking along furniture. She has a few words that she knows; mama, dada, bye bye, and I think nana as Grandma. She is learning sign language and knows more and all done. She gets very excited when she signs and I know what she is saying. She talks baby gibberish all the time, and I am sure there are more words in there but this being my first time trying to translate gibberish, I cant tell what she is saying. She loves dancing and music. She tries to sing her favorite songs with me. She loves playing and feeding Selby. She loves to be outside and explore, but its tough on her because she hates being dirty so she gets frustrated at times because her hands get dirty. Which will be better when she is walking. I think that's about it for her. As far and Jamie, he is doing really good. The business is very stressful but worth it. One week he has a tun of work and the next week he has nothing. Its awesome for Madalyn and I cause we see him a lot more. He finished his first class of school with a B, which is very good considering how horrible the teacher was. We both decided that now is not the time for school, considering that we just started a business, have a 1 year old, and one on the way. So, I am sure when the 2nd baby gets a little older he will return to school to get his degree in Construction management. Other than that he is staying busy being a husband and amazing dad. He loves taking baths with Madalyn and bragging about her to all our friends. He helps me to keep my emotions under-control (which is a full time job in it self) and encourages me to do things that I enjoy. He is a busy man. As for me, well I (again) had a really rough 1st trimester. But now I feel great!! I love being at home with Madalyn but sometimes run out of ideas of things to do with her. We try to see at least 1 friend a day, so that we don't go stir crazy. (I am the type of person that needs to be around people) My husband is gracious enough to let me have a girls night a week without Madalyn which I look forward to. I also look forward to Friday nights which is Jamie and I's date night. This night is, to us, the most important night of the week (even above church). Its a night of just us. Grandma and Papa take Madalyn, while Jamie and I do various things. (we have a bowl of ideas and pick out of weekly) We love it and we get to be the kids, not the parents :) And last but not least, as for the baby, she is doing great (I hope). She moves a lot and enjoys making mommy very uncomfortable at night. She also likes to make Mommy pee a lot! HaHa, any way I think I have you all caught up to now. Until next time...
Where to start? Here is a recap of our lives in the last 6 months. Madalyn and Jamie had a “Daddy Daughter” birthday party that was super fun. Madalyn got a lot of really nice toys. She didn't really understand the present thing, so we opened and she played. We bought Madalyn a smash cake, which is a little 6 inch round cake just for her, and she didn't really like smashing it to much. (She hates being dirty) But still managed to get it all over the place. I then took her straight to the bath and realized that everywhere the cake had touched her she was broken out in hives. The worst case yet. As seconds went by she began to swell. We quickly gave her benidryl and after throwing up all over daddy she felt better and passed out for the night. Christmas was a lot of fun. I think she was overwhelmed with presents and didn't know what to play with. It was the first time we have had Christmas at our house with my mom and dad. (I think Grandma had the most fun with Madalyn, and it was really cool to sit back and watch) Madalyn got so many gifts over those two holidays that we still haven't taken some out of the box yet. Madalyn just got her 7th and 8th tooth. She goes in for her allergies on the 16th of February. I cant wait! Although now that we know what is causing it, her rash has gotten a lot better. She is still crawling. She doesn't care to much about walking. I try to walk holding her hands and she would much rather crawl. (very independent) She does “cruise” meaning walking along furniture. She has a few words that she knows; mama, dada, bye bye, and I think nana as Grandma. She is learning sign language and knows more and all done. She gets very excited when she signs and I know what she is saying. She talks baby gibberish all the time, and I am sure there are more words in there but this being my first time trying to translate gibberish, I cant tell what she is saying. She loves dancing and music. She tries to sing her favorite songs with me. She loves playing and feeding Selby. She loves to be outside and explore, but its tough on her because she hates being dirty so she gets frustrated at times because her hands get dirty. Which will be better when she is walking. I think that's about it for her. As far and Jamie, he is doing really good. The business is very stressful but worth it. One week he has a tun of work and the next week he has nothing. Its awesome for Madalyn and I cause we see him a lot more. He finished his first class of school with a B, which is very good considering how horrible the teacher was. We both decided that now is not the time for school, considering that we just started a business, have a 1 year old, and one on the way. So, I am sure when the 2nd baby gets a little older he will return to school to get his degree in Construction management. Other than that he is staying busy being a husband and amazing dad. He loves taking baths with Madalyn and bragging about her to all our friends. He helps me to keep my emotions under-control (which is a full time job in it self) and encourages me to do things that I enjoy. He is a busy man. As for me, well I (again) had a really rough 1st trimester. But now I feel great!! I love being at home with Madalyn but sometimes run out of ideas of things to do with her. We try to see at least 1 friend a day, so that we don't go stir crazy. (I am the type of person that needs to be around people) My husband is gracious enough to let me have a girls night a week without Madalyn which I look forward to. I also look forward to Friday nights which is Jamie and I's date night. This night is, to us, the most important night of the week (even above church). Its a night of just us. Grandma and Papa take Madalyn, while Jamie and I do various things. (we have a bowl of ideas and pick out of weekly) We love it and we get to be the kids, not the parents :) And last but not least, as for the baby, she is doing great (I hope). She moves a lot and enjoys making mommy very uncomfortable at night. She also likes to make Mommy pee a lot! HaHa, any way I think I have you all caught up to now. Until next time...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Crawling soon?
So as I am blogging the previous two blogs, I hear Madalyn crying in her crib. Which is not unusual because; a: she is learning that if she cries long enough we will go in to check on her.
b: her two top teeth are breaking through.
c: there is just way to much to explore! Why Sleep!?
Well tonight we found out there is a d. After 30 minutes of crying (more like whining) we went in to check on her and she was in a crawling position!!! She has been trying this for weeks and she did it!!! And she wanted us to check her out! GO MADALYN!
Colorado trip
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Not much new
Nothing much new has happened since the last time I posted something. Madalyn is still beautiful and trying to crawl. I AM GOING TO COLORADO! I am super excited and super freaked out. I will be traveling alone with Madalyn. I am freaked out about the plane rides and 2 hour time change! But I will be seeing all of my family of whom I miss very much. Tomorrow Madalyn and I are going to the water park, I will try to get some good pictures and post them. Two Palms Construction is doing really good. Jamie is keeping busy and God is paying our bills. I am finishing Breaking Dawn, which is the last book in the Twilight series. I love to read. Weird, I know. |
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
I am so sorry
(This may sound silly but I can not figure out how to put my pictures after my text. So to get the full effect of this post, read the text first at the bottom, then look at the pictures :) Love you all.
Um... I love to eat.
The Ritz


Selby got tired on our walk :)

Mommy's water bottle. (and yes she did get some water but would get mad because its not milk)

Spending time with Daddy.

Our first swim and she Loved it!

Baby dedication and our church.

The water park. (FREE!)

Madalyn loves books

If you look close you can see ear plugs in her ears. We were trying them out, because that night we were going to see the movie "Eclipse" with Grandma and Papa so we had to take Madalyn with us because we did not have a baby sitter.

She loves walking around with Mommy in this.

Father's day. And this is where Jamie asked me to marry him.

I posted this picture so you could see the way Madalyn sucks her fingers.

These two pictures are my 25th b-day.

Selby got tired on our walk :)
Mommy's water bottle. (and yes she did get some water but would get mad because its not milk)
Spending time with Daddy.
Our first swim and she Loved it!
She loves walking around with Mommy in this.
Father's day. And this is where Jamie asked me to marry him.
I posted this picture so you could see the way Madalyn sucks her fingers.
These two pictures are my 25th b-day.
Life is gotten so crazy and I am so sorry I have not kept up with my blog.
So here is a short version of the last 2 months of our lives.
Madalyn sleeps 11 hours a night.
I loved my birthday!
Mother's day was the best holiday EVER!
Madalyn got dedicated.
Madalyn rolls all the way over. and over. and over :)
Madalyn's two bottom teeth broke threw on Father's day.
Loved spending Father's day with the best dad on this planet. (my husband)
Spent our anniversary at the Ritz and then camping.
Left Madalyn over night with Grandma!
Had major thyroid issues, then got them fixed.
Madalyn has food allergies and we are still trying to figure out what they are.
Started an intense work out program called P90X.
Jamie got laid off two weeks ago.
Jamie and I started our own business! Two Palms Construction.
Lost 15 Pounds ;-)
Madalyn is sitting up.
Madalyn is standing up with our help, of course.
Joined a book club.
And partridge in a pear tree... :)
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