Monday, April 12, 2010

Tummy Time

Today Madalyn and I had lots of fun! I wanted to show you her progress....
She cant sit up just yet, but getting very close.

This is our tummy time...

Rolling over Take 1:
Rolling over take 2:
Rolling over take 3:

One thing that I wasn't able to catch with the camera was her laughing. Every time I would snort she would laugh! You know, the belly laugh! This was the first time she ever laughed like this. It was awesome and made my whole year! I love being a mom.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Easter! We got our computer back this week!! Its amazing how much we use it, and missed it while it was gone.

We have had a tough week here at the Leigh house. Monday Selby ran away, we got chewed out by our neighbor (for no good reason), I came down with a cold, Selby chewed up my pump, Madalyn has been very fussy. Wednesday we find out Jamie's job is using him and not paying him correctly (so we are starting a new job hunt). Thursday Jamie's truck wont start and we had to fork out $100 just to get it towed. And to top it off the reason why Madalyn is fussy is because she is not getting enough to eat. Do to my training (running) my milk is drying up. So, I cant run the 5K or half marathon in Nov. But at least we found out why she is fussy !
Easter was awesome, we didn't do any egg hunting or coloring :) We went to church in the morning, came home took a nap, and then headed to Pam's for an amazing Easter dinner. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures, but here are some that I took yesterday.
This is a new action.... She is kicking things.
I know, I know.... Perfect.
If this doesnt melt your heart.....
ALMOST.... She is trying so hard to roll over.
Here she is scooting along the floor. She likes to do this. She does it in her crib as well.