Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Copy Cat.... My Life

If any of you keep up with my brother's blog you'll find out that this post is a copy cat of his.
I was thinking to myself that I dont talk much about my life on this blog so here's an update of Christine's life.
1. My job.... It has been terribly slow at the Broken Egg. Fortunately for me I have seniority so I have been given good shifts for the next couple of weeks. Praise God.
2. Speaking of money... We are a little tight this time of year in the money category. With Selby needing doc visits and medication we are tight. Luckily, God has given me extra shifts.
3. Kids...... A lot of people keep asking about this area and we still have no idea. We are thinking in a couple of years. A puppy is enough for now!
4. My relationship with God..... Well I think I could write about book about this topic. First off I am reading an awesome book with my dad..... A case for a Creator. It has allot of very interesting points that have seemed like they have been keeping this secret from the world.
As far as my walk right now, I am struggling with the church... well actually the ministry that I volunteer for. It seems like I hold this high expectation because its a church or ministry but the truth is they are people just like I am. Its hard for me to look past peoples hang ups and look into their hearts. I guess that doesn't tell you much about me and God. Last weekend God allowed me to see his work. I have had the privilege of sitting back and watching many lives being transformed before my eyes. Its at times like that, that I ask my self why I doubt God. Recently I have had a new hunger for Him. I have desired to know more and go deeper with Him. I have broken the pattern of caring what people think about me and start focusing on what God thinks about me. I want more. I want to feel more. I want to see more. I want know more. I want to do more.
5. The ministry ... Well over all it is going really well. The women's group on Monday nights has grown to over 20 women now. Women that are hungry for God. Women that have been broken into a million pieces and want to be put their lives back together. It has been an adventure starting this group, and to finally see the vision that God has given us come to pass is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. Sundays are still awesome. We minister and feed about 300 people every Sunday. I personally go around and pray with individuals. I like meeting people and hearing about their life.
6. My relationship with my dad.... Well we had a break through a couple a weeks ago. As I have expressed in a previous blog my dad and I are not real good about expressing our emotions to each other. As a matter of a fact I dont ever remembering hearing I love you from my dad. Now, you that are reading this DONT JUDGE. Over the past 5 years I have been able to find love poor out of my dad, I just have to look in the right places. As a little girl I always wanted to hear it. I wanted to be loved in the only way I knew. As I have gotten older I have realized that my father loved me and showed me in HIS own way. So it has been a journey learning how to receive the way he gives. So, with out a doubt I know that my father loves me and would do ANY thing for me.
Well just last week I went over to hang out with him and he had express to me that he was going to try to reach out to us. (me and my brother) So knowing my dad I suggested that he e-mail. It would be a lot easier for him to express his emotions that way. And really when I said this I was directing it toward him talking with my brother Michael.
I went home thinking to myself, me and dad are cool. I know he loves me and everything is fine. Theres no "reaching" out or "feeling" stuff that needs to happen between to two of us. Well little did I know. I called my dad the next day to tell him that he had to go see the new Batman movie that just came out. He said ok and asked me if I got his e-mail and I said no. Once I got home it was late and Jamie and I went to bed. At 11:30 at night I asked Jamie if he would mind if I went and checked the e-mail my dad sent me. Of course Jamie said yeah. I went into the computer room and open the e-mail and noticed it was only a couple of sentences. I proceeded to read it :
"I had a great time hanging out last night , I am not good at saying the L word but I can write it... I love you with all my heart. "
As I read it I began to cry uncontrollably. For 2 hours. I didn't ever realize how important that was to me. I will Cherish that e-mail for the rest of my life.

On top of that dad and mom have opened up to me about there relationship which has been awesome. I feel apart of their lives, and I am also learning a lot from it.

7. My husband... I AM LIVING ON CLOUD 9. God couldn't have given me a better man.

Well that's my life in a nut shell.

The first doct visit

We took Selby in for her first doctors visit. At first she was a little scared but after 30 seconds she realized that there where lots of friends in there to play with. (Selby hasn't learned yet that all dogs are not her friend) Doctor Carrie called us in and took lots of looks at her. She then proceeded to tell me that Selby looked like she might have mange and she had to take her in the back to get a skin sample. I said fine, like it was no big deal ...... then I heard Selby crying! My heart broke! Doctor Carrie brought her back in and told me that she did have mange and that it was a pain in the but to get rid of. (And costly). I then teared up, but she said she will be fine in a couple of months. We have to give her medicine, that she really doesn't like, every morning, (that's daddies job) and baths twice a week with special shampoo.

She is still peeing all around the house but has come a long way from when we first brought her home. She doesn't poop as much any more, actually she hasn't pooped in the house in a long time.

Jamie and I have both taken a vote and come to the conclusion that she is by far the cutest puppy in town!!!