Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not much new

Nothing much new has happened since the last time I posted something. Madalyn is still beautiful and trying to crawl.

I AM GOING TO COLORADO! I am super excited and super freaked out. I will be traveling alone with Madalyn. I am freaked out about the plane rides and 2 hour time change! But I will be seeing all of my family of whom I miss very much.

Tomorrow Madalyn and I are going to the water park, I will try to get some good pictures and post them.

Two Palms Construction is doing really good. Jamie is keeping busy and God is paying our bills.

I am finishing Breaking Dawn, which is the last book in the Twilight series. I love to read. Weird, I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for reading!!! hey, while you're updating pics.. maybe you can find another for your profile (Maddy is 7 months old.... just sayin' :) ) and Colorado - flight included - will be fine! i never finshed telling you my thought.. the lady on the plane next to us always judged her company by if they asked to sit next to her. She said "only people who love babies ask to sit next to one" so i'm hoping that's what happens to you! ~liz