Selby got tired on our walk :)
Mommy's water bottle. (and yes she did get some water but would get mad because its not milk)
Spending time with Daddy.
Our first swim and she Loved it!
She loves walking around with Mommy in this.
Father's day. And this is where Jamie asked me to marry him.
I posted this picture so you could see the way Madalyn sucks her fingers.
These two pictures are my 25th b-day.
Life is gotten so crazy and I am so sorry I have not kept up with my blog.
So here is a short version of the last 2 months of our lives.
Madalyn sleeps 11 hours a night.
I loved my birthday!
Mother's day was the best holiday EVER!
Madalyn got dedicated.
Madalyn rolls all the way over. and over. and over :)
Madalyn's two bottom teeth broke threw on Father's day.
Loved spending Father's day with the best dad on this planet. (my husband)
Spent our anniversary at the Ritz and then camping.
Left Madalyn over night with Grandma!
Had major thyroid issues, then got them fixed.
Madalyn has food allergies and we are still trying to figure out what they are.
Started an intense work out program called P90X.
Jamie got laid off two weeks ago.
Jamie and I started our own business! Two Palms Construction.
Lost 15 Pounds ;-)
Madalyn is sitting up.
Madalyn is standing up with our help, of course.
Joined a book club.
And partridge in a pear tree... :)
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