Friday, August 28, 2009

Week 22

Can you believe we have made it to week 22 already! She is not only moving now but kicking and dancing hard on the blader. It is still the coolest thing ever but I must say that some times it kinda hurts :) It seems like some weeks I dont grow and others I "pop".
See for your self;
This is just before my 21st week:

My Belly button is starting to pop out.

I LOVE THIS PICTURE :) Guess who's belly is on the left.

Now this is a week later. This was taken on Monday night. So I am 21 weeks and 3 days in this picture.

This one is tonight. My 22 week mark. Now I look pregnant and not fat. Yeah!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

She's on the move ! ! !

I feel a deffinate kick now. (or elbow or knee) She is on the move. I feel her most when I am not moving. It is the coolest thing EVER! I think that I am in the begining stages of nesting. I went from not doing anything around the house, to cleaning everything in the house! I did 8 loads of laundry in the last two days, and I'm begining to subconciously prepare the house for baby. (I didnt realize it, till Jamie pointed it out) Jamie felt her for the first time last night. It was super cool! I think she was dancing for him :)
We are getting the nursery prepared. My waunderful husband has been hard at work. We are seperating our 2nd bedroom into two rooms. The nursery and a large storage/laundry room.

(wrote 3 weeks ago)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week 18 Pictures

I had to finally break down and buy maternity pants.... they are really comfy!

ITS A ......

GIRL!!! We had our big ultra sound on Friday and found out its a girl. Jamie and I both thought for sure it was a boy, so when he said it was a girl we were both taken back and surprised. She is getting so big! She barely fits on the whole screen. The doctor looked at everything and said it all looks normal. When he was looking at her heart she kept moving, which was really funny to me, but doc wasn't laughing.
I have tried up loading pictures but its not clear enough.
We don't have a name picked out, but we figure we have a while.
Jamie made a comment the other day, he said, "that takes a lot of my shoulders, and puts a lot on yours." I never thought about that before, but hes right. I am going to have to do all "the talks" and be the example. AHHHHHHH!!!! I am a little freaked out.
But on the flip side I get to dress her up and do lots of girlie stuff with her :) !