3 years ago I made a commitment to Christ. A comitment that I would love and follow him for the rest of my life. Well, its been an amazing but challenging journey. I don't think that I am going to venture in to the past today, but some day I will tell you all about it.
To bring you up to date; I just married the man of my dreams. My prince charming and my husband...Jamie.
We have been married now for just under 3 weeks and as you can imagine I am living in, what my mom calls, bliss. It has been the best 3 weeks of my life. Coming home, waking up, drinking coffee, kissing, and just doing life together with the man I love. God has blessed me so much. But it didn't come easy. I was desperate for a man. I thought that I wouldn't be happy until I found one. Well it wasn't until I became 100% completed in Christ that He (God) gave me my husband. 3 long, yet wonderful years of singleness. The first year was the hardest. Lonely and searching for love in the wrong spot. God called me to him during the second year and thats when I began to become content in being alone.
I had the time of my life being single and living for God. God gave me 3 amazing girlfriends to do life and singleness with. I became so content the last year, that when Jamie came along, I fought it all the way. I fought "us". I was happy where I was at. I didnt think that I was ready in God's eyes. But God had a different plan. God had to slap me and wake me up a couple times before I realized what was put in front of me. My prince charming.
Well, I must go for now... but next time I cant wait to tell you about our dream wedding.