Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Garden

This is just for you Uncle Jack. I hope you like my garden. Its my new hobby and I LOVE it.

This is pumpkin on the left, pineapple in the middle and cantaloupe on the right

This is Columbine flowers just sprouting

This is Sunflowers to hide our ac unit

This you cant see very well but its carrots

This is my tomato plant with lots of tomatoes

This is radishes and beets on the left and squash and zucchini on the right

This is peas on the left and green beans on the right

these all have a cool story. The maple tree on the far left is from seed (I think. We inherited it) Then next to that is an avocado tree from an avocado. Then you can barley see it but next to the avocado in the middle is a lemon tree from a lemon seed from a lemon we bought in the grocery store. Then next to him is some Ivy. Then the tree on the left is an Oak tree. Jamie pulled this out of the ground one day thinking that it was a week and it was an acorn with 1 root so we planted him and look at him now. Then we have 2 "Hawaiian trees" in the front.

I found a picture of the acorn....
Some herbs. Chives, oregano, thyme, basil and a watermelon seedling.

My herb garden...

This is lettuce on the left then cabbage then broccoli and then cauliflower and then cucumber on the left. Now my broccoli and lettuce look funny because I am letting them flower so that I can get some seeds for next year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm amazed. I don't know how you manage to keep them all alive. Keep up the good work.